These are direct quotes from happy users of Directory Lister. No word is changed.

Please excuse the tardiness of this message. I want to thank you for the BEST customer service / support I have ever seen! Your timely answer to my question allowed me to complete my task earlier this week.
I have registered and paid for my license. This is a very nice piece of software.
Again, thank you so much!

Rich, California USA

I'm very impressed with the program and even more impressed with your speedy, personal response to my question. After reading your response to my query I decided to go ahead and purchase your program. I just finished paying online for the full version. Thanks for a great product and excellent service. You've earned your money.
Steve, Texas USA

Excellent program, by the way. And great customer service, I might add.
Robert, Iowa USA

Gina, Minnesota USA

I just bought and downloaded Directory Lister Pro and ran it over my backup drives - this is exactly what I've been looking for! Awesome. Thank you so much!
Antje, Germany

Again, thanks for an excellent product -- tremendously useful, versatile, reliable.
Rich, California USA

I am loving to use personaly Directory Lister 0.9 after traveling over many other apps for this application. Now I try Directory Lister Pro v1.0, because I found a prrety good futer for me, it will shows file's title/subject/comment.
Ryuji, Japan


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